How can I clarify everyone if a rumour posted is true or not?
Go to "My Rumours" page from the menu, select if it is true or false and then click the share icon to get an image conveying the same.Share this image in social media! You can also reply to a rumour!
How can I edit my dp, name, password and other account details?
Go to the menu by clicking button at the top left corner, and click account to go to the edit page!
How can I post a rumour about my friend who is not in the site?
Ask him/her to register and share their rumours.to link with you!
Can anyone find who posted a rumour?
No, even our officials can't find who posted a rumour. They're completely anonymous
I don't like a rumour posted about me. What should I do?
Go to "My Rumours" from the menu, you can choose to hide it or even delete it!
How can I delete my account?
Go to the menu by clicking button at the top left corner, and click account to go to the edit page! From there you can delete your account. This process is irreversible! So be cautious before deleting!